Boring gift wrap, be gone!

Yeah, yeah we know it’s ‘only’ October. But pretty soon it’ll be November, and then we’ll blink and it’ll be December and before you know it you’re up to your eyeballs in non-Christmas wrapping paper with named post-it’s because you left your run too late getting anything pretty to label your pressies.
So this year, you’ll get yourself nice and organised super early, OK?
Pretty parcel wrapping is our jam. Ever since I can remember my Mum has put the most incredible creative spin on her gift wrapping, and you can bet your bottom dollar they were rescued from Mt. Wrapping before they hit the recycling.
Last year I jumped on the simplified gift giving bandwagon. If you’re not familiar: something you want, something you need; something to wear and something to read. Pretty sure it was a brainchild of Pinterest, but it just took all the stress of sorting out pressie for the girls last Christmas. I opted for our classic laser-cut set in silver and gold, but we’ve also got the personalised tag range if you’d prefer to have their names on them. Cut from our 3mm thick materials, these beauties will come in handy year after year if looked after.

If the big ol’ guy in red needs a little help in the gift tag department, we’ve got that covered too.

And finally, gift tags for the rest of the whānau, friends, neighbours, work colleges etc. Wrapping doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive by any means. Some of the most beautiful wrapping I’ve seen is simple kraft paper tied with twine or ribbon (like the styling in these gorgeous shots kindly taken for us by Lauren Palmer @thepalmersplace__). You could even get the kids to get in on the action by drawing pictures on the wrap themselves - how’s that for a personalised touch?
For more gift wrapping ideas check out our Pinterest board here.
Shop our full range of gift tags at here.
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